Friday, April 10, 2009

whose pain is graver? your's or their's?

Pain is good... a friend of mine and a dear one at that wrote a blog on how when "Sometimes it really hurts down there in your heart you really feel like inflicting physical pain upon yourself... sorta feels good.. "

I just some how felt a dire need to comment on it...
As i read the first line the first image that actually crossed my mind were images from the very famous book by Dan Brown, "The Da-Vinci Code"(only to find that similar images crossed my friend's mind too)

The character Silas inflicted pain upon himself every time he felt he had done something wrong. It was his way of finding solace, his way of apologizing, his was of begging for forgiveness from God. He went around slaughtering people and came home and prayed for forgiveness.. He felt that if he would inflict pain upon himself it would commensurate his ill doings,soften the God's huge heart and he would be saved of severe consequences...

I beg to differ.. Isn't this hypocrisy?

Did he deem God a fool?

Did he think God would be blinded by his pain and will not see the pains of the people he hurt and killed?

Did he think the pain of those families his merciless killing affected was by any means comparable to the pain he self inflicted on his body, let alone less than his own?

Well in fact he did... that is why he did what he did.

I wonder, isn't it satanic in itself to inflict pain on yourself!
Deriving pleasure out of your own pain is satanic too and it is addictive...

Lets come out of the book and talk about reality... Imagine you are so angry at someone/ something that you cause yourself pain, how will the people you care about/ who care about you feel, seeing you in pain? At this juncture they only know about the pain you feel and they are hurt within but think about it when they really found out it was your doing... what will they go through then?

Its easy to vent out by hurting yourself, being destructive. Rising above the heart ache is what is difficult. The pain in the heart is in fact love, to hurt yourself is not. I don't say be divine and forgive and forget... but i don't think there is a need to do the exact reverse of it either. When you love someone, don't hurt them, and don't hurt those who love you. Your hurting yourself will hurt them more than your physical pain.. And I have nothing to say about enjoying the self inflicted pain.. to me it is sadistic.

Whose pain is graver? yours or theirs?

1 comment:

  1. If i think of them in moments of my pain then wht am i?
    It wud require us to be divine to think of others when we are in pain. when i am in pain- i am in pain. Self destruction is a big no, yesi understand. but in those moments its like LSD... makes you forget completely...
    Whose pain is graver... mine or theirs? :)
